Today marks 331 more chances to create opportunities that elevate our school faculty, students and family’s wellbeing. HOPE keeps knocking at our door as we greet our students and families back from winter break. In fact, by the end of this week, we have reached 10 months of distance learning.  Our creativity to handle multiple decisions gets strengthened each day by simply showing up with the intent to lead during unprecedented times. After all, your intention to make a positive community impact is powerful.

Think about all our moments living together on this earth, the years of reflection, the life lessons or opportunities we have been provided to course correct.
The conversation school executives are having throughout the country consists of what has been learned, what can be improved and how can the next 10 months be better for students and families than the past 10 months.

Some key retention takeaways: Every stakeholder energy keeps fluctuating, so continuing the creation of strength-based collaboration environments are key.   Intentional school leadership asks more than ever, that each decision-making process takes into account the ongoing variables of remote learning.

Time management is another top priority when addressing multiple matters throughout the day. Strength-based partnerships allow the opportunity for different academic and cognitive minds to continue increasing support for ongoing organizational needs. Imagine the synergy that occurs when intentional partnerships happen. Your organization purpose shines thru!

As I get ready to start my day, I reflect on the following question:

“What can be done today to take some of the distance, out of distance

I invite us to soak in that powerful ask. I’m rooting for the US!