Speaker Service
As a school leader herself, Jacqueline brings first-hand leadership experience in founding and supporting seven startups, from the education, nonprofit, and business sectors. If you need a thought leader to inspire your school, Jacqueline’s expertise will ensure that your engagements are productive and have lasting effects on your community.

Done With You Trainings
Did you know the impact a positive organizational culture can have on your time per task, per team member? The answer is in leverage leadership and a track record of successfully implementing systems one staff member at a time. Efficient methods lead to a consistent plan of success. Each and every time.
In this playbook, we explore seven pillars of a thriving school community staff morale, student enrollment, attendance, retention, parent engagement, restorative practices, and effective operations in schools.
This playbook is a valuable tool, helping you create a thriving school community where all educational partners can thrive.
COO At Hand
We evaluate, we create a plan, and implement your school engagement plan while simultaneously providing your team with coaching around effective time management and relationship building. Your dedicated consultant, Jacqueline will handle all the pieces with your dedicated team! Valuing and including everyone’s strengths is our expertise.

Retention is a Game Changer: Bringing your teams, academic and brand together is how you stand out during digital learning.

Retention is a Game Changer:
Bringing your teams, academic and brand together is how you stand out during digital learning.
Jacqueline brings a unique approach to retention. She understands the challenges associated with founding an elementary and middle school.
She has learned that you can impact retention when you uncover your school’s strength: social-emotional intelligence, social engagement and time management. This defines who you are as an established organization.
Using examples from her extensive research inside and outside school settings, Jacqueline leverages her recruitment and retention expertise to lead an interactive discussion about how discovering your teams ‘strength and using it daily will redefine how you to think differently during digital learning.
Jacqueline captivates audiences when she shares her career and personal struggles, including recruiting 175 students, without a building to show, the summer of 2014. Her journey will inspire you to view your teams ‘strength through a new lens by reimagining retention; budget, teachers and students, and academics!
Her empowering story of perseverance during turbulent times (yes, seven startups later management experience) will motivate you to craft your school brand and result in your school recruiting, retaining the best and standing out during the age of digital learning!