
Tecito With Jacqueline
Back in April 2020, Jacqueline noticed school changes were coming at lightning speed and the English to Spanish translation capacity was a high demand. Her six past startups leadership experience reminded her of the crucial need to reach all community members, working parents included. Video replays platform it was and few months later in July a decision was made to keep a consistent expansion, reaching greater Los Angeles and a solid following throughout the country.
With 734,641 students in the second largest school district, Los Angeles had a growing need to continue collaborations and learn from the spring school experience from all school stakeholders. By mid-June, Tecito with Jacqueline, had partnered to create a parent development series, July 26-August 9th, geared at providing parents with useful information
before schools reopened for the start of the 2020-2021 academic year. The series featured parent to parent digital learning dialogues, school leaders’ updates, and community partners
resource sessions.
The biggest accomplishment the team has received to date is learning one school we serve, reported a significantly increase of student’s camera use during instruction has reached 92% school wide. To the team, every guest speaker, the hundreds of hours dedicated to planning and implementation now blossoms with its positive student impacts. A special gratitude note, to all our loyal following, from hundreds of parents, school and community leaders who have contributed to this student success goal. To all the students, you are resilient and your beautiful minds are missed. We are committed to make the best of this year! Tecito with Jacqueline programming is extending its programming until Winter 2020.
For future collaborations write to:
Schedule a call with us to discuss your needs!
We are your partners to help you Retain your most qualified staff and reducing the chances of
experiencing a student exodus this school year.
Thanks a latte
We said YES to adopting two school communities, 65 educators strong, and 65 lattes delivered to each member on Halloween.
The Inspiration:
Every Monday at 3:15 pm, our JGR Consultancy founder Jacqueline, joins enthusiastically her favorite meeting, school leadership impact meeting. Perhaps it is the glimpse of seeing beloved colleagues, sharing her updates of what’s next on the school academic and operation support goals, from current strengths to areas of growth. The silent reciprocity that occurs: when sweating the small stuff and being okay to ask for help, even speaking up when you need caffeine and all of the in between. In fact, this weekly meeting is at the root of inspiration for JGR Consultancy, Thanks a Latte, adopt an educator for Halloween and provide them a yummy latte.
The 2020 Halloween Experience with a Twist!
All the joy this season brings to kiddos amazes, every year.
JGR Consultancy has dedicated its October outreach efforts to keep our educators and student’s morale strong during this uncertain time. Our Founder, Jacqueline says it best, at our latest planning meeting, “Halloween just asks we tap at our creativity, in ways that bring the best child out of every single one of us. We must imagine it, then go fiercely towards creating those events, simply because we acknowledge that caring and loving spaces are needed more than ever.”
The Gratitude Note
To everyone who has sent all the loving vibes and support with our Thanks a Latte, fall festival
planning and volunteer service days, we appreciate the journey beside you way more than we
can ever detail it.

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